


Dear Mija, how are you really? Today you came to mind and I wondered how you are doing amidst the world events! How are you keeping fear in check? I know you are searching or else you wouldn’t be reading this letter at this moment. I know who you are. I am you. As a woman of color you are wondering how other professional women are doing it. You’re looking for a mentor someone who may have had some experiences that can shed some light on what feels sometimes dark and lonely. You’re curious about coaching but you’re not sure what it is and frankly you’ve never invested in your own professional development. This is a great place to get started. Dream Big MIJA! You deserve it!


What is MIJA Moments?

You are invited to join a safe soul soothing place called “MIJA Moments”. A space where women come together to co-create what matters to them in the moment. A space where women gather to breathe, laugh and cry that is safe. A space where every woman gives and receives the gifts of one another. A space where you will experience being seen and heard like never before. Can you imagine the benefits of having several mentors at once? You might just meet your next best friends!

How does it work?

MIJA Moments is a monthly subscription that includes four digital gatherings. You will complete a MIJA Moments preference letting us know what is important in the experience for you. You will have the option of opting in or out every month.

There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live just a little bit better.

What others are saying about the gatherings:

Mentoring Testimonial 1

The fellowship, encouraging support from other women, accountability, stress relief, laughter, friendship, and some wonderful recipes.

Mentoring Testimonial 2

I got to meet amazing women who I would likely have not connected with. Also I felt that we made a commitment to check-in with each other and that gave me a break from everyday stuff.

Mentoring Testimonial 3

I think by checking in with you all, I was also checking in with myself.  How am I doing? What am I thinking? And it was wonderful hearing how everyone else was doing, thinking, going through. Overall benefits: clarity of mind, sharing joys/challenges, feeling connected

Mentoring Testimonial 4

I felt understood. I felt like I have women who are like me and who have my back. I also feel loved.

Mentoring Testimonial 5

Something powerful that Pat said was “sometimes we get so scared that people will judge us, but in the right context and with right people, we love you even more for being vulnerable.” When I shared a difficult story of an ended relationship, a member cried with me and that brought so much healing to me knowing that my pain is also our pain. We all hurt when one person in the group hurts.

How Much Do You Want to Invest?

The gatherings are being provided with the option of selecting how much you are willing to invest in yourself. Regardless of what you pay you will be getting the same experience. It’s with a heart that women of color should be able to access wellness and professional resources that this is being offered in this way. I trust people are honest and will invest whatever they can afford.

To learn more about Mija Moments please email Pat by clicking the button below: